Deliberately Concealed Garments

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Tips for searching

This online database contains information about concealed garment finds that have been documented on the Textile Conservation Centre's collections management system. The documentation (information about the objects) includes information about the objects' provenance (e.g. where, when and how it was found), a description of it (e.g. what it is made of), its date, and which cache it has come from. Images of the garments and in some cases images of where they were found are also included.

Searching with dates

Simple search

Advanced search

Navigating the results

Taking a guided tour


Guided tour

We have compiled various guided tours that will demonstrate the range of concealed garments and caches that we have documented.

1. To start a tour click on the image shown to illustrate the tour of the cache you want to find out more about.

2. Simply use the 'next' and 'previous' arrows on the toolbar above to navigate your way through.

3. If ay any point you want to know more about any individual object from a cache click on the image of the object or the 'More details' link to display full details.

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Simple search

If you want to conduct a quick search for a particular type of garment or location. To restart a search click on the Simple search button in the tool bar above.

1. It is best to use one or two word searches such as 'doublet' or 'Sussex'. Separate multiple search terms with a comma and a space, e.g. linen, wool.

2. This search is also useful if you are making a repeat search for something you have already found. For example you may have noted down the object's unique number, e.g. CG4, and want to look at the information again.

Search options

You can specify how you want the search engine to search your term:

Only get finds with images

Check this box if you only want the search to result in finds with images.

For multiple words

Select 'find all words' if you want results for an exact match for the your search terms, e.g. 'linen doublet' will return results only for instances of linen doublets.

Select 'find any words' if you would like results for any of your search terms, e.g. 'doublet, waistcoat' will return results for all instances of doublets and waistcoats.

For each search word, look for

Select 'whole word': if you want results for the exact word you entered in the search box.

Select 'any part of the word': if you want results that will match any part of one-word search, e.g. 'gloves' will return results for both 'glove' and 'gloves' (plural).

Select 'sounds like': if you are unsure of the spelling of the term you are searching for.

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Advanced search

Use the advanced search to make more specific searches. To restart a search click on the Advanced search button in the tool bar above.

The advanced search is a 'Boolean' search

You can search for any combination of terms using the limitations:

'AND' to combine two or more terms;
'OR' to find results for either/any of the terms;
'NOT' to ensure that search term is not included in the results.

Searching with dates

1. It is recommended you use the advanced search to search with dates.

2. There are two dates you can search under:

Date Found and Date Made.

Ensure you enter your search terms in the correct fields.

3. For finds within any particular century use the start and end dates of that century e.g. for 17th century finds enter:

Start: 1600 End: 1700.

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Pick lists

1. There are pick lists for searching on:

Classification - the type of object.
Materials - what the object is made of.
Production Technique - how the object was made.

2. Click on the 'down arrow' at the far right of the search box and select the term you want to search under.

Search options

Only get finds with images: check this box if you only want the search to result in finds with images.

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Results views

You can switch between the different ways results are displayed. Clicking on any image with take you to the full, detailed results for that object.


Browse the objects by using the 'previous' and 'next' arrows on the top right of the toolbar above the results. You can also go to the first and last pages of results by clicking on the 'first' and 'last' arrows.

Label view

This is the default view and shows a thumbnail image of the object with basic details.

Detail view

This will display all the information associated with an object, including an image of it where available.

You can access the Detail view results by using the link on the toolbar or clicking on a thumbnail in the Label or Lighbox views or the 'More details link', or the link from the object number from the List view.

List view

This will provide a listing of all results found. Useful if many results have been returned and you want an 'at glance' look at the results.

Lightbox view

This will display all objects that a search has returned as thumbnails (small images of the objects) with basic information. Click on the thumbnail or 'lightbox' to see more detailed information.

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[search the database]


Last updated: 21 August, 2002


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